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The real estate market in Ticino
We are pleased to make our in-depth knowledge of the local real estate market available to you. With more than 20 years of active presence in the area, our expertise helps us to guide you in choosing the most promising and suitable areas for your real estate needs.
Lugano district
The Lugano district surrounds Lake Ceresio and is well known in terms of tourism. The capital city offers a perfect blend of quality of life and opportunity. With excellent schools, verdant parks, breathtaking views of the lake and surrounding mountains, and its vibrant downtown, Lugano provides a safe and stimulating environment for adults and children alike. The real estate market presents diverse options, from villas with gardens to modern apartments, from the most prestigious settings to the most residential, in short adapting to every need. The proximity to Milan and Zurich, combined with a robust economy, ensures attractive job prospects.
Mendrisio district
Mendrisiotto, the southernmost region in all of Switzerland, impresses with its landscape of peaks and rolling hills covered in vineyards, and its quaint villages all waiting to be discovered. The capital Mendrisio, a small town on a human scale, offers an ideal setting for those seeking tranquility and opportunity. With its gracious historic center, ample school choice, and strategic location near the Italian border, the town combines Swiss charm and practicality. Mendrisiotto's real estate offerings provide options for every budget and attractive opportunities for workers in local businesses, in the fashion, retail, and industrial sectors.
The Sopraceneri area is highly prized for its quality of life, fascinating nature close to the Swiss Alps and proximity to German-speaking Switzerland. Bellinzona, the capital of Ticino, with its three castles and the Sforza wall, gives to this day the most impressive and among the best-preserved medieval architectural works of military defense in the Alpine arc in the world. While Locarno, a town on Lake Maggiore, thanks to its climate and views, is popular as a vacation spot especially with Swiss-German citizens. Our Sopraceneri real estate offering offers residential and commercial options and is continuously expanding.
Latest News
The latest information on the real estate market in Ticino for your real estate search and our latest developments
La Famiglia: un'opera d'arte per rappresentare i valori alla base del progetto della Residenza Viale dei Pioppi
Come in altri progetti residenziali curati dal team di tuttoimmobili.ch, anche nella Residenza Viale dei Pioppi è stata posizionata l'opera d'arte che ne rappresenta il simbolo. L'artista ticinese, Flavia Ostini-Sargenti, ha raccontato come è nata l'idea alla base della sua realizzazione.
A successfully complete residential project in Lugano Barbengo
Alain Rocchi who was born and raised in Barbengo, tells us about the decisions that were taken on the residential new development in Lugano Barbengo. The outstanding quality of materials and the nature-preserving choices have been awarded Residenza Viale dei Pioppi one of the best places to live for households of any age, singles and families with kids.
Acquistare casa si conferma la scelta economicamente conveniente
Nel sondaggio di RSI, l’87% di coloro che sono intervenuti nel sondaggio: “La politica sta facendo abbastanza per rendere gli affitti accessibili?” hanno risposto no. Una breve guida alla scelta economicamente più conveniente tra affitto e acquisto di un immobile di abitazione.